Spring 2017 Office Hours & Python Users Group

Spring 2017 Office Hours & Python Users Group

With classes in full swing and deadlines due, it’s project exploration and crunch time. The GC Digital Fellows wants to help. We host office hours and PUG throughout the semester where you can drop in to consult on developing a project, using a digital tool, or any other digital related thing that’s on your mind.

Office Hours:

Have questions about developing a digital project or want to find a community of other scholars working on digital projects?

Tuesdays at 2:00-4:00pm in 7414

Python Users Group [PUG]

Want to brush up on your Python skills, learn how to incorporate it into your research, work with others learning & using Python or have other technical in nature questions?

Wednesdays at 12:00-2:00PM in 7414

You can also find us at https://gitter.im/GCDigitalFellows/PUG


Questions and comments should be directed to gc.digitalfellows@gmail.com and @digital_fellows

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