
  • Enter Here

    By on November 16, 2012

    My entry into the Fellows program comes after several years of teaching digital media design, working in the area...

    GC Digital Fellows
  • Language Acquisition

    By on November 15, 2012

    Alice Lynn described the early challenges of this fellowship, in which we were tasked to create a local installation...

    GC Digital Fellows
  • Taking a Personal Approach

    By on November 14, 2012

    The Digital Fellows spent the first few weeks of this semester completing a number of digital challenges. Depending on...

    GC Digital Fellows
  • Looking Under the Hood

    By on November 13, 2012

    As a sociologist with a specialization in the sociology of technology, I probably should have had a much greater...

    GC Digital Fellows
  • The Luddite-Technophile Spectrum

    By on November 12, 2012

    Like many, my relationship towards digital technology has been one of both great anxiety and great excitement.  The spectrum...

    GC Digital Fellows
  • A Fresh Perspective

    By on November 12, 2012

    My entry into the Digital Fellows program has reshaped not only my perspective on the use of technology in...

    GC Digital Fellows
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